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The Maultasche, a culinary treasure of the region, is the star in our arbor!

In our specially made, impressive copper cauldron with a capacity of 300 liters, our Maultaschen are cooked and prepare in different variations.

Our goal is to present a traditional Swabian speciality to the visitors of the Stuttgarter Weindorf in an entertaining and authentic way. Visitors thus have the opportunity to experience first-hand how Maultaschen are prepared using a traditional recipe in this special cauldron.


We will offer a carefully curated selection of regional wines. Our wine menu will include a variety of wines from the regions surrounding Stuttgart.

At our exclusive bars, the facets of wine will be savored in all their nuances and taken to a new level by pushing the boundaries of traditional wine enjoyment with creative wine cocktails and sparkling drinks.

From fruity whites to characterful reds and sparkling wines, our selection will complement the flavors of Maultaschen.


We look forward to treating you to our warm service and delicious dishes. Cheers and bon appétit!

Your hosts Sonja Merz and the entire team!

Arbor contact information

Sonja Merz Die Laube mit Herz


Gastronomy contact information

Sonja Merz GmbH

0711 68 68 111


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