14:00 - Nico Reyes
Nicolás Reyes has been a set designer since 2006 and has worked on various plays. His show tells the story of the clown Yunke through music, juggling, dance and acrobatics and invites you to take a more relaxed look at life.

15:00 - Floor LegendZ
Floor LegendZ stands for the best entertainment: Breakdance, top level dancing and acrobatic skills as well as comedy and interaction with the audience ensure a unique experience.
16:00 - Falabares
The inspirational street show of Falabares inspires young and old. Magic, poetry and storytelling in a unique combination of juggling and audience interaction.

17:00 - Oana Popa
In her works, the Romanian artist, who lives in Switzerland, negotiates the complexity of her identity, shaped by two contrasts: her family background and the progression in Western Europe.
18:00 - Christina Simone Stahl
Simone performs her songs from 8 years of songwriting, from a haphazard traveler to a mother of two in a very ordinary life.